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讀文章學英文 中階No. 41 The Smartphone 智慧型手機 魯曼講解朗讀 ( 102年統測四技二專 閱讀測驗 36~40題 含題目解析) | 博客來網路書店書評網- 優質網路書局

讀文章學英文 中階No. 41 The Smartphone 智慧型手機 魯曼講解朗讀 ( 102年統測四技二專 閱讀測驗 36~40題 含題目解析)

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00:00 使用指示說明
00:46 單字片語朗讀
01:17 文章講解
07:58 題目解析
#考生時限內寫完一整份考題再看 #偏鄉英語教學資源
#歷屆統測四技二專英文 #成人美語 #英文自習
#英文好文章 #英文閱讀測驗
#附題目解析 # 基隆英語文補習班
#聽說讀寫英文實力培養 #背單字好方法 #通勤學英文 #魯曼英文
button[ˋbʌtn] n. 按鈕
text [tɛkst] n. 文字
press [prɛs] v. 按,壓
application [͵æpləˋkeʃən] n. 應用,適用
position [pəˋzɪʃən] v. 決定…的位置
Cell phones have changed a lot since they first became popular about twenty years ago. They used to be large and the buttons were also often hard to press. Now, most of the smart cell phones do not have buttons — they have touchscreens! Cell phones are not just used to make calls now; even the most basic phones can also send text messages. Some have cameras, so when you are having fun with your friends, or see something cool in a store, you can take a picture and send it to others immediately. What most people are excited about are “apps” — applications that allow your phone to do many cool things. Only smartphones are smart
enough to handle these apps. There are apps for many different things. Some turn your phone into a global positioning system (GPS), so you will not get lost when you travel. Others allow you to download music, or movies. No matter which phone you choose, it is easy to see how
cell phones help us every day and continue to get smarter!
Cell phones have changed a lot since they first became popular about twenty years ago.They used to be large and the buttons were also often hard to 36 . Now, most of the smart cell phones do not have buttons — they have touchscreens! Cell phones are not just used to make calls now; even the most basic phones can also send text messages. Some have 37 ,
so when you are having fun with your friends, or see something cool in a store, you can take a picture and send it to others immediately. What most people are excited about are “apps” — 38 that allow your phone to do many cool things. Only smartphones are smart enough to 39 these apps. There are apps for many different things. Some turn your phone into a 40 positioning system (GPS), so you will not get lost when you travel. Others allow you to download music, or movies. No matter which phone you choose, it is easy to see how cell phones help us every day and continue to get smarter!
36. (A) print (B) paved (C) press (D) possess
37. (A) paints (B) cameras (C) brushes (D) layers
38. (A) applications (B) approaches (C) appliances (D) appointments
39. (A) inhabit (B) imply (C) contribute (D) handle
40. (A) global (B) grateful (C) grammar (D) generous


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